I will create your website with wordpress

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Proposé par wil_dev 2 ventes au total

I am able to create a professional website for you using WordPress, tailored to your needs and budget. As a web design professional, I offer a comprehensive and high-quality service, from the initial conception to the launch of your website.

I am attentive to your needs and requirements to provide you with a website that perfectly reflects your image and values. My expertise in web development allows me to create user-friendly, aesthetically pleasing, and functional websites, while also adhering to the latest standards in search engine optimization (SEO).

By choosing to work with me, you will benefit from support throughout the project, as well as training on how to use your website. I also ensure the maintenance of your site to keep it performing well and up-to-date.

Feel free to contact me to discuss your WordPress website creation project. I will be delighted to answer all your questions and assist you in realizing your project.

Here are the reasons why we opted for this solution:

Ease of use: WordPress is an intuitive platform that is easy for our clients to use and understand. They can easily update their site without requiring advanced technical skills.

Customization: With WordPress and Elementor, we have the ability to customize every aspect of your website to perfectly match your brand image and needs. This allows us to create unique and tailor-made sites for our clients.

Search engine optimization (SEO): WordPress is designed to be optimized for search engines, making it easier for your site to rank well. We also take into account the latest SEO standards to ensure maximum visibility for your site.

Security: We constantly work on strengthening the security of your WordPress site using plugins and regular updates, ensuring effective protection against hacking threats.

Affordable cost: WordPress is a free platform, which enables us to offer affordable rates for creating your website.

Easy integration: We can easily integrate other tools and software into your WordPress site, such as social media, contact forms, and email subscriber lists.

Community support: In case of difficulties, WordPress has a large online community that can help you solve problems.

Site responsiveness: With WordPress, your site will be optimized for mobile screens, allowing easy accessibility on all devices and browsing modes.

By using our service, you will benefit from personalized support throughout the project, with a professional team attentive to your needs. We are at your disposal to answer all your questions and create the website that perfectly meets your expectations.

What are the reasons to choose our service for your website creation?

Our experience in web development and our commitment to supporting our clients have taught us that to meet their expectations, it is essential to consider their needs from the beginning of the project and enable them to easily manage their website.

Thanks to our expertise in web development, especially with WordPress, we can create professional and clean websites that suit your business domain. We are also capable of developing all the necessary features to ensure smooth functioning of your site.

Our web development skills include:

A specialized team in web development, creating WordPress sites, and building e-commerce sites with WooCommerce and Prestashop.
Diverse experience across various sectors, such as banks, associations, insurance companies, and businesses.

Our core principles are:

Trust: We commit to personalized communication, honoring our commitments, and addressing your concerns proactively.
Satisfaction: We respond promptly to your needs, provide transparent support, and listen to your requirements.
Availability: We are accessible to answer all your questions or information requests.
Listening: We understand your needs and preferences through active listening.
Responsiveness: We deliver your project promptly and communicate effectively with you.

Our approach to website development is based on:

Simplicity: We use consistent colors, modern fonts, and custom graphics.
User-friendliness: We create clear and easy-to-navigate sites with a uniform design.
Responsiveness: We use a responsive interface for optimal content SEO, without the need for a separate mobile application.

Why choose our service?

Quality work is our priority: We use WordPress, the most renowned CMS, to create websites of all types.
No unpleasant surprises: Regardless of the chosen package, we always deliver on time and as expected.
Your satisfaction is our concern: Our complementary team is dedicated to creating user-friendly, attractive, and unique websites.


## Our packages include:

Basic Package: 5€
Installation of WordPress on your hosting server.
Installation of a free theme without any customization.

## For more elaborate websites, choose one of the following options

Landing Page/Onepage Package: 35€
I will create your website on your own hosting space.
I will install a free or paid theme provided by you, and I will assist you in choosing an appropriate theme.
I will integrate your logo and favicon, provided by you, into the site.
Site color and font configuration will be done according to your preferences.
The homepage header will be created according to the specifications you provide.
An optimized call-to-action banner will be designed for your site. You can provide your own image, or I will choose one related to your site's theme.
The "About" section will be created using the description text you provide.
I will create a contact form for your site.
The footer of your site will be designed as per your specifications.
Responsive design will be optimized to ensure your site adapts to all screen sizes.
5 revisions possible.

Blog Website Package: 60€
Your site will be created on your own hosting space.
I will install a free or paid theme provided by you, and I will help you choose the most suitable theme for your needs.
The creation of a homepage is included in the service.
Your logo and favicon will be integrated into the site.
I will integrate up to 20 articles, with content provided by you.
For the integration of a larger number of articles, please refer to the additional options and corresponding rates.
5 revisions possible.

Ecommerce Website Package:100€
Creation of your website on your own hosting space.
Installation of a free or paid theme provided by the client. I will assist you in choosing the theme.
Creation of Single Product or Multi-Product pages.
Importation of 50 products.
Creation of a contact form.
Addition of products to your site.
Integration of text provided by you.
Creation of a main menu and a footer.
Creation of categories.
Integration of the logo and favicon provided by the client.
Selection of the desired currency.
Configuration of colors and fonts to match your design.
Configuration of three payment and delivery methods.
Configuration of delivery locations and rates.
Up to five revisions possible.

This option allows you to fully customize the design of your WordPress website. It involves taking a template provided by you and using it to create a unique and professional design for your website.

## Customization of your website design includes the following elements:

Custom Design Package: 20€
Creation of a custom design for the main pages of your website, including the homepage, content pages, and contact pages;
Creation of a custom design for your header, footer, and navigation menu, ensuring that these elements are consistent with the rest of your website;
Customization of colors, fonts, images, and icons to match your branding;
Implementation of the template provided by you to create a design that reflects your company's identity and meets your specific needs.
5 revisions possible.

## How to Place an Order?

It's easy!
Simply select the desired package by checking the corresponding box, then click on the "Order" button. A chat window will open for you to provide me with your instructions.

You can confidently place an order on COMEUP, as the money will remain on the platform until the completion of the order.

If you have any questions, specific needs, or require more information, don't hesitate to contact us through the chat. We will respond promptly and can even arrange an audio call or video conference on comeup using the Direct Call feature.

I am eager to work with you and remain at your disposal for any inquiries.

I will create your website with wordpress

  • 5,00 €

Options supplémentaires

Tous les prix sont H.T et hors frais bancaires. Le prix définitif est calculé sur la page de paiement.

  1. Commandez le
    service de votre choix
    à l’un de nos vendeurs
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  3. Le vendeur n’est payé que\ lorsque vous validez la livraison

À propos du vendeur

wil_dev Il y a 15 heures

“Je suis Wilfried, un passionné de programmation web et de nouvelles technologies, titulaire d'une licence professionnelle en informatique de gestion. Fort de plus de 5 années d'expérience, je me spécialise dans la Création de Sites Web, le Référencement et la Communication Digitale. Actuellement, je mets à profit mes compétences sur ComeUp.com, anciennement 5euros.com, où je propose une large gamme de services visant à développer la vitrine digitale de mes clients et à améliorer leur positionnement sur les moteurs de recherche.

Efficacité, rapidité, professionnalisme et satisfaction du client sont mes valeurs fondamentales. Je mets un point d'honneur à répondre à toutes les questions et demandes d'informations de manière diligente et transparente.

Grâce à mon expertise, j'ai pu aider des clients à renforcer leur présence en ligne et à se démarquer dans un environnement numérique compétitif. Je suis convaincu que l'avenir réserve encore de nombreuses opportunités passionnantes dans le domaine de la programmation web et des nouvelles technologies, et je suis prêt à relever tous les défis qui se présenteront. Si vous avez des projets web en tête ou des besoins en communication digitale, n'hésitez pas à me contacter. Je serai ravi de mettre mes compétences à votre service pour vous accompagner dans la réussite de vos projets.”

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  • Commande en cours 0
  • Ventes au total 2
  • Vendeur depuis Juil. 2023