I will create your poster/flyer with Photoshop, Illustrator or Canva

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Proposé par JohnDev 3 ventes au total

Would you like to stand out from the crowd with a professional, modern visual identity? Do you need to establish visual communication with your customers? Then you need a professional graphic artist or designer.

If so, you've come to the right place.


You're a company, a web designer or a communications agency and you need to establish your own visual identity? Posters or Flyers can be used as communication media. So, to advertise or communicate with customers, companies call on professional graphic designers for a job well done. For this digital profession, it's not enough to use Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop or any other software and call yourself a graphic designer.

Posters and flyers are essential communication media in the printing industry, attracting attention and effectively promoting an advertising message. Their large format and personalization offer maximum visibility, while high-quality finishes such as gloss lamination and selective varnish enhance their visual impact to capture the attention of the target audience.

Creating effective, aesthetically pleasing visuals starts with: being creative, having a true artistic vision and being passionate about visual art - the strengths of a professional graphic designer. You're in luck. That's exactly what I've got! You can also use these posters or flyers for web design, e-commerce or freelance work. It'll help you get your site looking good.

If you're reading this article, it's because you're not necessarily a professional graphic designer, and believe me, to become one, you need a good training in graphic design (graphic creation, professional logo, graphic identity...). So you can call in a graphics expert and get a very positive result.


Communication is a key element for any company wishing to make itself known and promote its products or services. Communication tools are many and varied, but one of the most effective options is the use of promotional posters.

To create personalized posters, it's important to consider your budget, as this will determine the type of paper, print runs and print formats to be used. It's also important to choose the right poster format, which will attract the attention of your targets and be effective in conveying your message.

Posters can be printed on different types of paper, such as poster paper, glossy coated paper or fluorescent paper, depending on your needs and desired look. It's important to consider the quality/price ratio to get the best results.

Once you've designed and printed your posters, it's important to define a communication strategy for distributing them. You can distribute them as A5 flyers, stick them on tarpaulins or billboards, use them for urban poster campaigns, or slip them into mailboxes.

It's also possible to use posters for local displays or displays for point-of-sale campaigns. There are even tools for making kakemonos and tarpaulins for outdoor advertising.

It's important to note, however, that you need to take account of the weather and the standards governing billboard advertising.

You can also produce a qualitative report to assess the impact of your poster campaign.

For effective and attractive communication, it's important not only to choose the right format and paper type, but also to take care in the design and production of your promotional posters. It may be worth organizing a design competition to obtain a flyer that stands out from the crowd and meets your needs.

With a range of communication tools at your disposal, you'll be able to create high-quality, personalized posters tailored to your needs and budget.


My name is Donald, and I've been a web developer and graphic designer for nearly seven years. Having obtained a national diploma in graphic design, I'm very curious and above all very passionate about my work. I work as a freelancer on web design and development projects, as well as visual identity creation. In this way, I help small and large companies to enhance their brand image with my custom-made logos, posters, flyers and other modern visuals. My dedication to the success of my assignments is matched only by my passion for graphic design. With a master's degree in Computer Analysis and Programming, I have a wide range of skills that can be of use to you. Here are the types of posters or flyers I can create for you:
Advertising posters:
These types of posters are used to promote a specific product or service. They are often placed in public spaces or high-traffic areas.

A-Event posters:
These are used to announce a particular event, such as a concert, show or exhibition.

B-Institutional posters:
These are used to communicate official information, such as rules, schedules, services, etc.

C-Cultural posters:
These are used to promote cultural activities, such as art exhibitions, festivals, films, etc.

D-Activist posters :
Activist posters are used to get a militant message across, or to stand up for something.

E-Wellness posters:
They are used to promote products or services related to health or well-being.

F-Sales posters:
Used to announce a specific sale or promotion.

E-Theme posters:
Their role is to promote a specific theme, such as nature, the environment, technology, etc.


When you contact us, here's how we proceed:

Discussion: the customer writes to us to discuss their communication needs and objectives. We research the subject and market trends to gain a better understanding of the project context.

Design and creation: We start creating mock-ups and drafts using graphic design software.

Presentation: We present your poster or flyer to you for comments and suggestions. We may need to make changes or adjustments to suit your requirements.

Final production: Once the final design has been approved by you, we prepare the files for final production according to the specifications required for printing or online publication, such as format (PNG, JPG, etc.), size and resolution.

Delivery: You receive your order within the agreed deadline.


For just €5, you get the following:

01 flyer in the dimensions of your choice
72 dpi resolution
02 colors (of your choice) and 03 phrases maximum
01 background image
01 PNG format of visual
Not both sides
AI or PSD source file

I don't think you'd want to promote your company with this offer.


1 flyer design proposal
A4/A5 format
Custom format or size
Up to 02 modifications
150 dpi resolution
Not both sides
AI or PSD source file

1 flyer design proposal
A4/A5 format
Custom format or size
Up to 03 modifications
300 dpi resolution
Royalty-free image search
Not both sides
AI or PSD source file

GOLD PACK (75 €)
1 flyer design proposal
A4/A5 format
Custom format or size
Up to 03 modifications
300 dpi resolution
Royalty-free image search
Both sides
AI or PSD source file.

I will create your poster/flyer with Photoshop, Illustrator or Canva

  • 5,00 €

Options supplémentaires

Tous les prix sont H.T et hors frais bancaires. Le prix définitif est calculé sur la page de paiement.

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    à l’un de nos vendeurs
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    site jusqu’à la livraison en toute sécurité
  3. Le vendeur n’est payé que\ lorsque vous validez la livraison

À propos du vendeur

JohnDev Il y a 4 heures

“Bonjour chers futurs clients. Je m'appelle Jean De Dieu Donald.

En tant que développeur web freelance avec un Master en Analyse informatique et Programmation, je suis en mesure de combiner mes compétences en rédaction et en développement pour offrir un service complet à mes clients.

J'ai une solide expertise dans plusieurs langages de programmation, tels que PHP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, etc. Je suis également à l'aise avec l'utilisation de frameworks tels que ReactJS,Bootstrap,jQuery,Laravel,etc, ce qui me permet de créer des applications web performantes et esthétiquement attrayantes.

En plus de mes compétences en développement, je suis également un rédacteur web expérimenté. Je suis spécialisé dans le référencement et le marketing digital, ce qui me permet de rédiger du contenu optimisé pour les moteurs de recherche (SEO) tout en étant attractif pour les utilisateurs. Je peux créer des contenus de qualité pour les sites internet, les blogs, les boutiques en ligne, et je peux même rédiger des fiches produits convaincantes.

Grâce à ma double expertise, je peux vous aider à créer un site web complet, de la conception initiale à la rédaction du contenu et au développement technique. Je peux travailler en collaboration avec vous pour comprendre vos besoins, définir une stratégie éditoriale et développer un site web fonctionnel et esthétiquement plaisant. Mon objectif est de vous aider à améliorer votre visibilité en ligne et à offrir une expérience utilisateur optimale.

Que vous ayez besoin d'un développeur web pour créer un site responsive, intégrer des fonctionnalités spécifiques, ou optimiser votre site pour les moteurs de recherche, je suis en mesure de vous offrir mes services. Ma polyvalence me permet de m'adapter à différents projets et d'utiliser les dernières techniques et bonnes pratiques du développement web.

N'hésitez pas à me contacter pour discuter de vos besoins spécifiques en développement et en rédaction web. Je serai ravi de travailler avec vous pour concrétiser votre projet et vous aider à atteindre vos objectifs en ligne.”

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  • Commande en cours 0
  • Ventes au total 3
  • Vendeur depuis Mai 2023