I will Share My Swipe File of high copywriting Sales Texts with You


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Sold by HappySALES 19 total sales

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=====Would you like to download my entire library of sales texts that have each generated millions right now?====

Have you ever thought about the impact of your current or future sales texts on your life or on the lives of your current or future clients?

A sales text that brings in 10 clients is better than one that brings in 0.
A sales text that brings in 100 clients is better than one that brings in 10.
A sales text that brings in 1,000 clients is better than one that brings in 100.

It’s your finances or your clients' finances that improve, giving you more flexibility to face life's problems, challenges, and burdens, or simply to enjoy yourself.

That’s why you need to draw inspiration from the best when writing sales texts.
That’s why you need to draw inspiration from the sales texts of master copywriters to create your own; and if you don’t know how to draw inspiration from a sales text, I will solve that problem for you.

You’ll find out how further down! Just take 5 minutes to read this short blog content carefully!

So, as I was saying, that’s why you need to draw inspiration from the best sales texts ever created, sales texts that have each generated the equivalent of millions.

That’s why I have decided to make available to you not 1, 2, 10, 30, 50, but 102 millionaire sales texts!

Rare sales texts, hard to find, and crafted by master copywriters such as Gary Halbert, Victor Schwab, John Caples, Eugene Schwartz, Maxwell Sackheim, Claude Hopkins, David Ogilvy, etc!

They are in this digital catalog (see thumbnail 2) (thus instantly downloadable):

But first, I have important information to reveal about them, just below!

====No matter your niche or industry, you can draw inspiration from these millionaire sales texts to build your own.=====

Often, beginner copywriters think they can only draw inspiration from sales texts that pertain to the same niche or industry as theirs. This is false, absolutely false!!!

Here’s the proof: take, for example, this headline from a sales text that sold millions of a beauty and facial rejuvenation product:
A new formula from Beverly Hills makes you look up to 10 years younger without the costs and pain of surgery.

This headline can be adapted to all niches, all domains, or industries. Here are 10 adaptations as examples:

++1 A new course by Neil Patel quadruples your targeted traffic without requiring you to produce more content.

++2 This new commercial director at ESGC Business School multiplies the company’s revenue by up to 6 times without you having to triple his salary.

++3 A brand new pill from Abb-Sex Labs restores the vigor of your member to that of your 20s without needing to consume health-hazardous drugs.

++4 A brand new chemical fertilizer from Agro-Farm multiplies your tomato yield without spending countless hours tilling the soil and planting.

++5 This brand new Infink smartphone alerts the police when you’re being attacked without you even having to unlock it.

++6 A brand new combat system makes you a master of self-defense without the pain and time of grueling physical training.

++7 This brand new piece of equipment from Kine Sports sculpts and reveals up to 6 of your abs without you having to stop eating what you love.

++8 A brand new book by psychologist Karl Heins gives you a steel, champion’s mindset in one night without needing to read 100 self-help books.

++9 This brand new series of exercises multiplies your physical strength by up to 10 times without the cost, time, and pain of numerous hours of weightlifting sessions.

++10 A brand new real estate journal reveals the method to generate up to 7 times more profits without driving away clients with high prices.

You see it clearly. This headline, like almost all existing headlines, is adaptable to all niches, all domains, all industries.
And that’s just one example. The same applies to all other parts, all other sentences, all other words of a sales text. You can adapt them to your niche or industry.

===What a great opportunity am I offering you?===

You know it well, sales texts that have each generated millions and from which you can draw inspiration to build your own are worth their weight in gold.
How much would you invest to have just one of these sales texts?
How much would you invest to have 102 of them?

I could ask you for 1000 EUR. Because if you had to handle it yourself, it would cost you much more in terms of months of research, identification, and selection of the right sales texts. It would cost you much more in terms of research expenses.
But I won’t do that. I won’t ask you for 1000 EUR.
Because that would no longer be affordable for all my clients.

So, I’m going to make a big gesture and only ask you for a contribution towards all that it has cost me in terms of months of research and selection, a contribution towards all that it has cost me in terms of research expenses.

Here and now, I’m offering you the opportunity to download these 102 sales texts created by master copywriters, these 102 millionaire sales texts, for just 15 EUR in total, which is barely 0.14 EUR per sales text. No master copywriter would write you a sales text for 15 EUR. NONE!

So, this is a real bargain for you to have 102 of their best sales texts for 15 EUR. Each sales text represents an opportunity for you to improve in copywriting, a goldmine!


Whether you are a freelancer or not, whether you have a business online or offline, once you have something to sell, you need to know how to persuade and convince.
And what better way do you have to persuade and convince than by using the techniques and secrets of persuasion from master copywriters, techniques and secrets found in their sales texts?

PS: OrderSWIPE FILE MASTERY right away. If you don’t find the promised 102 millionaire sales texts, ask for a refund. You will get your money back with no questions asked.
But act now. Because this opportunity can disappear at any moment without warning! If you’ve been following us for a while, you know it’s true!

P.P.S: ++1: For an additional 10 euros, receive 2000 ready-to-use headlines templates. Fill-in-the-blank models where you simply insert words

++2: For just €15 more, receive my valuable collection of books on copywriting and sales psychology, written by renowned master copywriters. These royalty-free works are essential for mastering the art of copywriting and sharpening your persuasion skills.

I will Share My Swipe File of high copywriting Sales Texts with You

  • €15.00

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About the seller

HappySALES 30 minutes ago

“Je me souviens encore de ce jour où j'ai tout abandonné. J'avais l'impression d'être dans une mer agitée, balloté d'un côté à l'autre par les vagues de la vie. Je me suis retrouvé échoué sur la plage, perdu, désemparé, et sans direction.

Pendant des mois, j'ai cherché en vain un moyen de sortir de cette impasse. J'avais l'impression que j'avais perdu mon mojo, que j'étais incapable de captiver les gens avec mes histoires, et que je n'étais pas à la hauteur des attentes des autres.

Mais un jour, alors que je contemplais le coucher de soleil sur l'océan, quelque chose s'est produit. J'ai réalisé que je devais retrouver ma boussole intérieure, que je devais réveiller le feu qui brûlait en moi, et que je devais retrouver ma passion pour le storytelling et le copywriting.

J'ai commencé à chercher des réponses, à creuser plus profondément, et à explorer de nouveaux horizons. J'ai découvert des techniques que je n'avais jamais utilisées auparavant, j'ai appris à écouter ma voix intérieure, et j'ai retrouvé la confiance en moi que j'avais perdue.

Et tout à coup, j'ai vu la lumière au bout du tunnel. J'ai compris que le storytelling était ma voie, que j'étais destiné à créer des histoires captivantes qui transportent les gens dans un autre monde, et que je pouvais faire une différence dans la vie des autres.

Maintenant, je suis de retour, plus fort que jamais. Je suis comme un phare dans la nuit, qui guide les marins vers un port sûr. Si vous cherchez à créer des messages qui touchent les cœurs et les esprits de votre public, à générer des ventes et à gagner la confiance de vos clients, ou à raconter votre propre histoire de manière captivante, je suis là pour vous aider.

Contactez-moi maintenant et ensemble, nous allons briller comme des étoiles dans le ciel.”

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  • Sales in total 19
  • Seller since Apr 2020