I will redesign your WordPress site

0 vente

Proposé par Casimir__Digi 20 ventes au total Disponible sur ComeUp Direct

# Take your WordPress site to the next level with a custom redesign that will set you apart from the competition.

*The **WordPress site redesign** consists of improving and modernizing an existing site based on the WordPress platform. It aims to optimize the appearance, functionality and performance of the site to provide a quality user experience*.

You are probably in the ideal place!

So are you one of the following cases:

Are you looking to renovate your online site?

Do you want to optimize your digital visibility to attract and convert a growing clientele?

Would you like to integrate new features into your website and stay at the forefront of current trends?

You probably answered “YES” to one of these questions, you need to keep reading

## Why did you ask me and not other web developers?

**Specialized expertise:** Since I am a web developer, I first have skills in **wordPress website creation**, design then in **SEO**. In addition, during my career in an agency, I have always been able to do **WordPress site redesign**.

On the other hand, these three skills are essential, my work has been appreciated by clients and they always ask me for work related to **WordPress site redesign**

**My responsiveness:** I always respond reactively to my customers and I completely understand that not everyone has this capacity for patience.

**My sense of professionalism:** Each project that is presented to me, I take it seriously, paying attention to detail, I work on it as if it were mine afterwards, I am like your doctor who listens to you, able to relieve you of your sorrows.

**My availability:** I am always available during the progress of your **WordPress site redesign** project until the end, open-minded.

**I am willing to learn:** Like any living being, it may happen that I make mistakes during the **WordPress site redesign** and for that, I am open to criticism and it will help me to improve further in my career as a **web developer**.

## Why your WordPress site needs Redesign

A website may need a **WordPress site redesign**, when:

Outdated Design: If your site has an outdated design, it may give a negative impression to visitors and not reflect your company's modern branding.

Limited usability: A site that is difficult to navigate or unintuitive can frustrate users, dissuade them from staying on your site, and reduce conversions.

Mobile Incompatibility: If your site is not optimized for mobile devices, you risk losing traffic as more and more people use smartphones and tablets to browse the internet.

Poor performance: A slow-loading site can discourage visitors and affect your search engine rankings.

Outdated content: If the information on your site is not up to date, it can damage the credibility of your business and give the impression of neglect.

Lack of features: If your site does not offer the features necessary to meet the needs of your users, this can limit their satisfaction and engagement.

Security Issues: An unsecured website can be vulnerable to hacker attacks, compromising user data privacy.

Evolved Business Goals: If your business goals have changed since your website was created, a redesign may be necessary to better reflect and support them.

*Redesigning a website can help resolve these issues and provide an improved user experience, stronger branding and better conversion opportunities*.

## But thanks to this service, you will benefit from:


A professional site must include a set of pages to generate interest and convince visitors, while being well indexed by search engines.


It's important to make connections between pages on your site for easier navigation. To encourage visitors to share their contact details, it is essential that they can easily find the information they are looking for.


**Redesigning your website** offers the opportunity to rethink the structure of your menu. It is one of the first elements visible when arriving on your site.


Thanks to a series of improvements implemented during the redesign of your website, you will be able to reduce page loading time, attract new prospects by improving formulars and adding impactful calls to action.

## Now you have 2 choices:

Choice 1: Choose yourself to do the **WordPress site redesign** then you will make mistakes and then correct yourself or either convey an **unprofessional image** of you.

Choice 2: You opt for a professional and thus give yourself a professional **brand image*, attract the chance of having more customers, appear on the **first page**, **be visible**.

Results: an increase in **visit rate** and **clicks**, **conversion rate**, an increase in your sales.
If you prefer choice 2, here is what I offer you

## Pricing

For €5: I will do the **WordPress site redesign**

I will do the redesign (home page) only.

## But it’s not over ! I offer you additional options tailored to your needs.


Design or Renovation of only 1 page

Search engine optimization (h1, h2, ... tags) included

Retouching: 2 times

## IMPORTANT ! In order to redesign your website, I will need administrator access to your WordPress dashboard (I can assist you if necessary).

Costs related to the acquisition of additional themes or plugins will be your responsibility.

Installation of an optimal WordPress theme adapted to your project (selected by me) - €25

Redesign or Creation of an optimized page including up to 4 sections + integration of your content (texts, logo and images provided by you) - €65

Configuration of search engine optimization (H1, H2, H3 tags, etc.) - 60€

Creation or Redesign of the navigation menu - €40

Updating the header - same header for all pages - €40

Updating the footer - same footer for all pages - €40

Insertion of up to 4 items (provided by you) - €50

Redesign of 4 pages of blog articles - €60

Blog option - Integration of a blog page (3 dummy articles) - €50

Integration of the Yoast SEO Plugin - €40

Integration of a contact form - €40

Responsive site for different screen sizes - €25

3 modifications (texts, colors) - €50

Unlimited modifications (texts, colors, layout) - €100

SSL certificate (HTTPS) - €20

Yoast SEO configuration - SEO integration for each page - €75

Integration and configuration of a GDPR plugin (Required for all sites!) - €40

Search and add up to 10 royalty-free images - €40

If you have an online shopping site or want to add e-commerce functionality with Woocommerce to your website, here are the options available:

Woocommerce option - Integration and configuration of the plugin - €70 with configuration of essential parameters.

Woo Pack 1 - Integration of 10 products - €40 + optimized description (250 words max) for SEO.

Woo 2 Pack - Integration of 20 products - €50 + optimized description (250 words max) for SEO.

Woo 3 Pack - Integration of 50 products - €100 + optimized description (250 words max) for SEO.

Categories Option - Creation of categories for your products - €50

Woo Products Pack 1 - Integration of associated products for 20 items - 2 associated products per item - €30

Payment Option - Integration of a payment module of your choice (PayPal, Stripe, etc.) - €40

Wishlist option - Integration and configuration of a wishlist - €35

Integration and configuration of a product comparator - €35

## FAQ

## Q1: How can I place an order?

A1: : To place an order, simply follow these steps:

1. Choose the option that matches your needs, for example: Woo 2 Pack - Integration of 20 products - €50 + SEO-optimized description

2. Select the “Order” option

3. Proceed to payment using your credit card or PayPal.

4. I will receive notification of your order then I will begin.

I will redesign your WordPress site

  • 5,00 €

Options supplémentaires

Tous les prix sont H.T et hors frais bancaires. Le prix définitif est calculé sur la page de paiement.

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À propos du vendeur

Casimir__Digi Il y a 5 minutes

“+ 4 ans d’expérience en marketing digital.

Disponible en appel direct sur ComUp

Certifié par les ateliers de Google numérique (certifié par Google).

Contactez-moi maintenant !

Hello , je suis Casimir et je suis Spécialiste en marketing digital depuis 4 ans d’expérience.

Je possède d'excellent compétences en :

Création de site web/Ecom avec Wordpress et Webflow

Création de site web/E-Com avec Shopify

Conception de Chat Bot intelligent

Création de Tunnel de vente

Facebook et Tik Tok Ads et Vidéo Pub Ads

J’ai développé ces compétences en travaillant dans une agence web depuis 3 ans se trouvant en France et aussi grâce à mon sens d’apprentissage continu, passionné par mon métier, je me met en freelance pour vous aider dans vos différents projets.

Je maîtrise parfaitement les outils de travail au quotidien comme le fond de ma poche à savoirs : Wordpress , Shopify , Système.io , Botpress , Figma , Webflow , et Canva.

Je reste convaincu que le marketing digital reste un levier pour la croissance de votre business et je vous aiderai à l'implémenter dans votre processus afin que vous vous positionniez sur votre marché et faire plus de ventes.

J’ai acquis 3 ans d’expériences de travail et d’apprentissage en marketing digital dans une agence Web puis en parallèle, je me mets en freelance à présent pour vous accompagner dans vos projets.

Passionné de mon métier qui est spécialiste en marketing, j’ai appris sur le terrain et aussi grâce à mon autodidacte, je suis fière de moi par le fait que je fais ce que j’aime.

Ce qui me permet d'ailleurs d’offrir des prestations de qualité et supérieures à vos attentes.

Durant mon parcours en agence Web , mes travaux ont été appréciés par des clients et me sollicitaient toujours pour des travaux en rapport au développement Web.

Je ne possède pas seulement des compétence mais je partage aussi des valeurs à savoirs :

ma réactivité

mon sens de professionnalisme

ma disponibilité

je suis reprochable

En plus travailler avec moi, c’est bénéficier de :

une expertise d’un professionnel qui maîtrise son domaine

une garantie satisfait ou remboursée

je suis toujours en quête de connaissances et d’innovation

confidentialité de vos projets

Toujours disposé à l’écoute de vos besoins comme votre docteur, j’échange avec vous durant le temps de réalisation de votre projet. Vous apprenez toujours avec moi sur mon expertise et expérience.

Je serai vraiment content de vous compter parmi mes clients !

Contactez-moi maintenant sans hésitation pour discuter plus et sur votre projet”

  • Temps de réponse moy. 2 h
  • Commande en cours 0
  • Ventes au total 20
  • Vendeur depuis Nov. 2023