I will create your optimized listing on Booking.com

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Proposé par MikeConciergerie Professionnel 28 ventes au total Disponible sur ComeUp Direct

🌟 Optimized Booking Advertisement Creation: Maximize Your Visibility and Boost Your Bookings

Are you looking to skyrocket your vacation rental to the top of the search results on Booking.com? Look no further! I'm here to turn your listing into a booking magnet.

With over a decade of experience in optimizing listings on booking platforms, I master the art and science behind a high-performing Booking.com advertisement.

🌟 Why Choose Booking.com?

➡️ Global Reach: With over 1.5 billion visits each year, Booking.com dominates the online booking market, offering unparalleled international visibility. Unlike Airbnb, which primarily targets short-term stays and unique experiences, Booking.com attracts a diverse range of travelers, from holidaymakers to business professionals, ensuring a broader audience for your listing.

➡️ High Conversion Rates: Thanks to its intuitive user interface and simplified booking process, Booking.com boasts higher conversion rates, translating to more bookings for your listings.

➡️ Flexibility and Diversity: Booking.com welcomes a wider variety of property types, from hotels and apartments to vacation homes and boats, allowing you to precisely target your ideal market.

➡️ Powerful Management Tools: With advanced analytical tools, Booking.com provides deep insights into your listing's performance, enabling strategic adjustments to enhance your visibility and revenue.

🌟 Booking.com Advertisement Optimization Service

What You'll Receive:

➡️ Detailed Analysis of Your Existing Listing: I'll review your title, description, photos, listed amenities, and customer reviews to identify areas for improvement.

➡️ Content Optimization: I'll craft an attention-grabbing title and detailed description showcasing the highlights of your property. The limit is set to 500 words to ensure a comprehensive and attractive presentation. I'll configure everything regarding your amenities, booking conditions, your accommodation presentation, your owner profile, as well as activities, shops, interests, and supermarkets.

➡️ Photo Selection and Advice: Guidance on selecting featured photos (up to 15 photos), including recommendations for professional photography if necessary. I'll organize the order of your photos and tag all your photos. I'll create a cover photo.

➡️ Visibility Enhancement: Targeted keyword strategies to improve the positioning of your listing in search results.

➡️ Personalized Advice: Recommendations on amenities to add or highlight to increase the attractiveness of your listing.

🌟 Full Booking.com Advertisement Creation Service

What You'll Receive:

Complete Creation of Your Advertisement:

I'll take care of everything, from writing the title and description (limit of 700 words) to selecting amenities and categorizing the property.

Photo Selection: Assistance in choosing photos (up to 20), with advice on capturing or selecting images that best showcase your property.

SEO Optimization: Strategic use of keywords to ensure your advertisement has good visibility on Booking.com.

Parameter Configuration: Setting house rules, rates, and availability according to your preferences.

Launch Assistance: Support during the advertisement launch and advice for getting started on Booking.com.

🌟 Tailored Pricing Strategy

What You'll Receive:

Market Analysis: In-depth study of the local market to understand demand and supply, and identify the best rates to apply.

Personalized Pricing Plan: Creation of a tariff calendar tailored to your property, taking into account seasons, local events, and booking trends.

Dynamic Pricing: Advice on using dynamic pricing to maximize your revenue throughout the year.

Monitoring and Adjustments: Proposal for monthly monitoring (optional) to adjust rates based on market trends and your advertisement's performance.

Why Choose This Service?

Increased Bookings: Optimized advertisements result in better visibility, attracting more travelers and increasing your bookings.

Professional Expertise: Benefit from my experience and in-depth knowledge of Booking.com algorithms.

Time-saving: Save hours of work and let an expert handle the optimization of your advertisement.

Order Now for Maximum Visibility on Booking.com

Don't let the competition get ahead. Ensure the success of your property on Booking.com by choosing to work with an expert. Contact me today to start optimizing your advertisement or creating a high-performing advertisement from scratch.

By choosing to work with me, you're investing in more than just your property's future; you're ensuring its success on one of the largest booking platforms in the world. Whether you need to breathe new life into an existing advertisement or start off on the right foot with a brand-new one, I'm here to support you:

For the optimization of your existing Booking advertisement: €125

I offer comprehensive revision and optimization to boost its attractiveness and performance. This service is ideal if you want to improve your results without starting from scratch.

For the creation of a Booking advertisement from A to Z: €195

Let me take care of creating your advertisement, with a strategy optimized to capture attention, generate interest, and convert visitors into bookings. Perfect for new owners or those desiring a complete overhaul to maximize their impact.

🌟🌟🌟 Optimize Your Revenue with My Additional Service: Tailored Pricing Strategy for 100€

In addition to my advertisement optimization and creation services, I offer an exclusive option to maximize your revenue on Booking.com. For €90, benefit from my expertise in pricing strategy, specially designed to meet the specificities of your local market and optimize your occupancy rate:

I will set up in your Booking.com advertisement:

➡️ Your Specific Pricing Plans: I will develop tailored pricing plans adapted to demand and market peculiarities where your property is located. This personalized approach ensures your prices remain competitive throughout the year, maximizing your revenue opportunities.

➡️ Your Occupancy-Based Pricing in the Tariff Calendar: I will implement an occupancy-based pricing strategy directly into your Booking tariff calendar. This advanced method adjusts your prices based on the number of visitors, optimizing your profitability for each booking.

➡️ Your Promotion Strategy: Based on precise analysis of peak and off-peak periods in your market, this approach allows you to offer attractive deals at the optimal time, stimulating bookings during seasonal lulls without sacrificing your revenue during peak demand.

This option is not just an investment to increase your revenue; it's a guarantee that your advertisement performs to its fullest potential, dynamically adapting to market trends to optimize your rental income.

Don't miss this opportunity to optimize your revenue and ensure the success of your property on Booking.com. Contact me today to integrate this pricing strategy into your advertisement optimization plan and see the difference for yourself.

🌟 Exclusive Bonus with Every Order: Free Access to a Video Advisory

For every service ordered, enjoy free access to an exclusive video where I share my screen to show you precisely the work done on your advertisement. In this video, I'll also provide essential tips to master the Booking.com platform and optimize your success as a property owner partner. This additional tool is designed to help you understand and apply best practices, allowing you to take control of your advertisement and maximize your results.

Why hesitate?

Every day spent without optimization is a missed revenue opportunity. With my expertise and advantageous rates, there has never been a better time to invest in your success.

Contact me today to begin this transformation and see your advertisement become a regular source of bookings and revenue. Together, let's make your presence on Booking.com a resounding success.

I will create your optimized listing on Booking.com

  • 125,00 €

Options supplémentaires

Tous les prix sont H.T et hors frais bancaires. Le prix définitif est calculé sur la page de paiement.

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À propos du vendeur

MikeConciergerie Il y a 15 heures

“⭐ Bonjour, je suis Mike, un coach et consultant spécialisé reconnu en stratégie, optimisation, et automatisation pour la location courte durée sur des plateformes telles qu'Airbnb et Booking.com. Passionné par l'idée d'aider mes clients à augmenter leurs revenus et à simplifier leur gestion au quotidien, je mets en œuvre mon expertise pour transformer votre activité de conciergerie et de location.

Mes Succès, Votre Avenir

Au fil des années, j'ai transformé les défis en succès, non seulement pour moi-même mais aussi pour ceux avec qui j'ai travaillé. En tant que gérant de conciergerie, j'ai catapulté ma collection de plus de 60 logements à des sommets inégalés, en témoignent les avis élogieux des voyageurs et la fidélité des propriétaires. En tant qu'autodidacte, j'ai prouvé que la passion et l'engagement pouvaient déplacer des montagnes.

Des stratégies d'optimisation de revenus implémentées avec succès à l'automatisation des tâches les plus fastidieuses, chaque étape de mon parcours a été marquée par des victoires significatives. Imaginez ce que nous pourrions accomplir ensemble. Votre succès est mon objectif, et avec mon expertise, je suis prêt à vous guider vers de nouveaux horizons de prospérité et d'efficacité dans la gestion de votre location courte durée.

Pourquoi rester dans l'ombre quand vous pourriez briller ?

⭐ Expertise et Spécialisations :

Je me spécialise dans l'accompagnement des loueurs en courte durée et des conciergeries, offrant des solutions sur mesure pour répondre efficacement à vos besoins spécifiques sur Airbnb, Booking.com, et d'autres plateformes. Mon expertise en optimisation de revenus et automatisation des tâches chronophages est votre alliée pour une gestion efficace et rentable.

⭐ Expériences Passées :

Fort de six ans d'expérience en tant que gérant d'une conciergerie gérant plus de 60 logements dans le sud de la France, et formé par des spécialistes de premier plan, j'applique maintenant mon expertise en tant que coach. Depuis trois ans, je guide les loueurs et conciergeries vers des résultats exceptionnels sur Airbnb, Booking.com, et Abritel, garantissant un retour sur investissement rapide.

⭐ Engagement envers les Clients :

Je m'engage à offrir un service exceptionnel, en m'assurant que chaque client gagne à la fois du temps et de l'argent grâce à mes techniques, conseils, et compétences adaptés aux plateformes Airbnb, Booking.com, et autres. Mon objectif est de dépasser vos attentes, en respectant scrupuleusement les délais et en vous fournissant des stratégies personnalisées pour la gestion de votre conciergerie et de vos logements.

⭐ Touche Personnelle :

Ma passion pour le domaine de la location courte durée et la gestion de conciergerie est née de mes expériences en tant que voyageur et hôte sur Airbnb et Booking.com. Je suis convaincu que des ajustements stratégiques peuvent transformer significativement votre activité. Laissez-moi vous guider à travers les subtilités de la location courte durée et ensemble, réalisons le plein potentiel de votre entreprise.

⭐ Ensemble, Transformons Votre Activité de Location Courte Durée et de Conciergerie

Rejoignez-moi dans cette aventure vers le succès. Avec mon aide, découvrez comment des stratégies d'optimisation et d'automatisation sur mesure peuvent non seulement accroître vos revenus mais aussi révolutionner la manière dont vous gérez vos logements sur Airbnb, Booking.com, et au-delà. Transformez les défis en opportunités et voyez votre entreprise s'épanouir sous un nouveau jour.

⭐ Prêt à propulser votre conciergerie et vos activités de location au niveau supérieur ? Contactez-moi dès maintenant et ensemble, explorons le plein potentiel de votre entreprise. Votre succès dans la location courte durée et la gestion de conciergerie commence ici.

J'ai hâte de vous aider à atteindre les sommets ... A très vite,


  • Vendeur professionnel
  • Temps de réponse moy. 6 h
  • Commande en cours 1
  • Ventes au total 28
  • Vendeur depuis Janv. 2024