I will create a chat bot to automate your business

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Proposé par Casimir__Digi 20 ventes au total Disponible sur ComeUp Direct

# Boost your business with fast response, 24/7 availability and maximum customer satisfaction !

The service consists of providing an advanced **AI chatbot** to **automate and boost your business** to improve customer experience thanks to **artificial intelligence**.

You are probably in the ideal place!

So are you one of the following cases:

Are you an entrepreneur and want to automate your business?

Are you a company looking for solutions to improve the user and customer experience?

Are you an e-retailer and want to increase your turnover?

Are you a coach, infopreneur and you want to automate your activity using a **virtual assistant**?

You probably answered “YES” to one of these questions, you need to keep reading

## How does this work?

When the user engages in a **conversation** with the chatbot through communication **channels** such as **Messenger, Facebook WhatsApp, Twitter** or the **website**, the chatbot enters into action.

Its role is to carefully analyze the user's requests, **requests** in real time, then the chatbot uses specific applications and follows pre-established rules.

Once the chatbot has analyzed the user's request, it generates an **instant message**. This response can take different forms, such as text, suggestions for canned responses, or actions to take.

Let's take an example

Alex: Hi Chatbot, what are the opening times for the 'Star Cité' cinema this evening?
The **natural language** processing system** analyzes **keywords** such as 'times', 'Star Cité cinema' and 'tonight', which allows it to respond:
Chatbot: Hi Alex, movie screenings start from 6:30 p.m. until 11 p.m. tonight!

**Intelligent** chatbots therefore generate a personalized response based on the user's request and also thanks to a **knowledge base**. Additionally, the chatbot can use variables like @username, @usergender to make the conversation even more personalized!

## Why asked me and not other people?

**Specialized expertise:** Since I am a Digital Marketing Specialist, I first have skills in Chat bot design. In addition, during my career in the agency, I created various chatbots (**virtual assistants**) such as for after-sales service and to automate my clients' businesses.

My work was appreciated by clients and they always asked me for work related to the design of **AI chat bot**.

**My responsiveness:** I always respond reactively to my customers and I completely understand that not everyone has this capacity for patience.

**My sense of professionalism:** Each project that is presented to me, I take it seriously, paying attention to detail, I work on it as if it were mine then, I am like your doctor who listens to you, able to relieve you of your sorrows.

**My availability:** I am always available during the implementation of your design project **chat bot** capable of **automating and boosting your business** until the end, open to spirit.

**I am willing to learn:** Like any living being, I may make mistakes and for that, I am open to criticism and it will help me improve more in my career.

## Why use a chatbot in your business?

According to a study, 67% of consumers have hung up the phone due to waiting too long when contacting customer service.

Indeed, the integration of a **chatbot** makes it possible to offer **instant assistance**, thus reducing waiting times and improving the efficiency of **customer service**. **Chatbots** can answer frequently asked questions, provide basic information, and redirect queries to the appropriate agents when necessary.

On average, customer service agents spend 15-20% of their time answering the same repetitive questions
A **chatbot** can take care of **repetitive tasks** and frequently asked questions, allowing agents to focus on more complex, higher-value queries. This reduces overall workload and improves agent **productivity**.

Companies spend an average of 208 hours per month on **administrative** and repetitive tasks that could be automated.

By automating repetitive tasks with a chatbot, you can save time and valuable resources. **Chatbots** can handle routine requests, collect information and perform simple actions, freeing up **human resources** for higher value-added tasks.

There are many examples like these and here are a few that companies, entrepreneurs and **E-retailers** encounter.

## But thanks to this service, you will benefit from:

**Improved customer experience:** A well-designed **chatbot** can **automate and boost your business**.

**24/7 Availability:** Unlike humans, a chatbot can be available 24/7. It can respond to customer inquiries at any time, even outside normal working hours and whatever or the time zone.

**Automation of repetitive tasks**: The **chatbot can automate** many repetitive and time-consuming tasks, such as gathering basic information, scheduling appointments, tracking orders, etc.

**Increased operational efficiency**: By automating certain tasks using a **chatbot**, you can **improve the overall efficiency and productivity of your business, **automate and boost your business** .

**The chatbot can manage numerous conversations simultaneously**

**Data collection and continuous learning**: The **chatbot** can collect valuable data on customer preferences, needs and behaviors.

**Cost reduction**: Using a **chatbot** can reduce customer support costs, and **automate and boost your business** in terms of call management and human resources.

## Pricing

For €5: I will create a chatbot to automate your business

I will draw up the diagram of your chatbot on Figma (Figma is an online project plan design software)

## But it’s not over ! I offer you additional options tailored to your needs.

** Targeted objectives **
**Lead generation:** Attract new qualified prospects with personalized automatic messages and relevant keywords. The chatbot will capture key information such as email addresses and phone numbers to power your sales pipeline.
**Optimized sales:** Increase your revenue by integrating a complete catalog of your products and services. Your customers will be able to view and purchase directly from the chatbot, with secure payment options via PayPal and Stripe.
**Enhanced Customer Support:** Provide exceptional customer service by integrating FAQs and auto-replies to comments on Facebook. Your customers will receive instant answers to their questions, increasing their satisfaction and loyalty.
**Intelligent Automation:** The chatbot will include advanced sequences to abandon and follow up with leads, maximizing conversion opportunities.
**Key Features**
**Personalized welcome message:** I configure and implement an engaging welcome message to welcome your users in a professional manner.
**Intelligent automation:** I set automatic messages and keywords for contextual and personalized responses, providing a smooth user experience.
**Multi-channel integration:** I will connect your chatbot to Instagram, YouTube and other platforms to increase your visibility and subscriber base.
**Data Capture:** Collect your customers' email addresses and phone numbers to grow your contact list and strengthen your marketing strategy.
**Booking & Payment:** Provide a convenient booking option and integrate payment methods to facilitate online transactions.
**Bonus 1:** **Data Tracking and Export**Export collected data to Google Sheets or your favorite CRM for in-depth analysis and effective management of your prospects and customers.
**Bonus 2:** Bot connection to GPT-3.5
**PRICE: €160**

*With my Ultimate Pack, you will benefit from a turnkey solution to boost your business*.

**Lead generation:** Attract new qualified prospects with personalized automated messages and relevant keywords. The chatbot will capture key information such as email addresses and phone numbers to power your sales pipeline.
**Optimized sales:** Increase your revenue by integrating a complete catalog of your products and services. Your customers will be able to view and purchase directly from the chatbot, with secure payment options via PayPal and Stripe.
**Enhanced Customer Support:** Provide exceptional customer service by integrating FAQs and auto-replies to comments on Facebook. Your customers will receive instant answers to their questions, increasing their satisfaction and loyalty.
**Intelligent Automation:** The chatbot will include advanced sequences to abandon and follow up with leads, maximizing conversion opportunities.
**Key Features**
**Personalized welcome message:** I configure and implement an engaging welcome message to welcome your users in a professional manner.
**Intelligent automation:** I set automatic messages and keywords for contextual and personalized responses, providing a smooth user experience.
**Multi-channel integration:** I will connect your chatbot to Instagram, YouTube and other platforms to increase your visibility and subscriber base.
**Data Capture:** Collect your customers' email addresses and phone numbers to grow your contact list and strengthen your marketing strategy.
**Booking & Payment:** Provide a convenient booking option and integrate payment methods to facilitate online transactions.
Advanced customer segmentation: I segment your customers based on their purchasing behavior, which will allow you to personalize your messages and provide targeted offers for maximum conversion.
Multilingual translation: I translate your chatbot into French and English, allowing you to reach an international audience and expand your reach.
Payment Method Integration: I integrate popular payment methods such as PayPal, Stripe and another one of your choice, providing a smooth and secure experience for your customers while shopping.
**Bonus 1:** **Data Tracking and Export**Export collected data to Google Sheets or your favorite CRM for in-depth analysis and effective management of your prospects and customers.
**Bonus 2:** Bot connection to GPT-4
**Bonus 3:** Complete training offered: I offer you complete training lasting 20 minutes live on ComUp depending on your availability on the use of chatbots and their functioning, so that you can fully exploit their potential .
**PRICE: 240**

Welcome message (configuring and setting up a welcome message)
Automatic messages and keywords (customized to your specific needs)
Setting unsubscribe and subscribe messages
Automatic replies to comments on Facebook
Link with Instagram, Messenger, website and YouTube etc.
Collection of email addresses and phone numbers
Advanced booking option
Data export to Google Sheets or a CRM
Lead abandonment and relaunching (30 sequences)
Live chat with live customer support integration
FAQ integration (20 questions and answers)
Integration of personalized redirect links
Catalog of your products and services (20 products)
Chatbot integration on your site
Automatic messages and tags (15 feeds)
Sequences to broadcast your messages (30 days)
Advanced customer segmentation (e.g. based on purchasing behavior)
Integration of payment methods (PayPal, Stripe and another of your choice)
**Bonus 1:** **Data Tracking and Export**Export collected data to Google Sheets or your favorite CRM for in-depth analysis and effective management of your prospects and customers.
**Bonus 2:** Bot connection to GPT-4
**Bonus 3:** Complete training offered: I offer you complete training lasting 2 hours live on ComUp depending on your availability on the use of chatbots and their operation, so that you can fully exploit their potential.
**Bonus 4:** Multilingual chatbot capable of communicating in several languages. This will allow you to reach a wider audience and attract international customers.
**PRICE: €250**

Chat bot maintenance pack
It includes the following elements:
**Continuous monitoring**: I constantly monitor the performance of your chatbot to ensure that it is working properly.
**Problem detection and resolution:** I will be attentive to possible problems encountered by the chatbot and I will resolve them quickly in order to minimize service interruptions.
**Updates and improvements:** I will regularly update the chatbot to keep its features up to date and improve its performance.
**Optimization of responses:** I will work on optimizing the chatbot's responses based on user feedback, in order to make them more precise and relevant.
**Technical Support:** I will be available to answer your questions and provide technical support if needed.
My goal is to ensure the smooth operation and ongoing maintenance of your chatbot, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your business.
Duration: 7 days
**PRICE: €170**

> These proposals offer a range of options adapted to different needs and budgets. Each pack offers a specific set of features to meet your varied needs.

## My guarantee

I am committed to providing you with a **chatbot** of higher quality than your expectations, capable of **automating and boosting your business** while respecting everything listed in the pack. If after receiving delivery, you notice any imperfections I will rectify them at no additional cost.

## It's up to you to decide now!

Ready to take action and benefit from a **chatbot**?

Place your order now in 3 simple steps !

1. Select the options that suit you

2. Click on the ''order'' button at the bottom of this description

3. Send me your instructions in the chat integrated into your order.

And it’s just like child’s play !

## Do you have any questions?

Please let me know about your concerns regarding the**chatbot** by clicking on the white "Contact Seller" button. I respond as soon as possible.

As for me, I will be very happy to work with you !



I will create a chat bot to automate your business

  • 5,00 €

Options supplémentaires

Tous les prix sont H.T et hors frais bancaires. Le prix définitif est calculé sur la page de paiement.

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À propos du vendeur

Casimir__Digi Il y a 34 minutes

“+ 4 ans d’expérience en marketing digital.

Disponible en appel direct sur ComUp

Certifié par les ateliers de Google numérique (certifié par Google).

Contactez-moi maintenant !

Hello , je suis Casimir et je suis Spécialiste en marketing digital depuis 4 ans d’expérience.

Je possède d'excellent compétences en :

Création de site web/Ecom avec Wordpress et Webflow

Création de site web/E-Com avec Shopify

Conception de Chat Bot intelligent

Création de Tunnel de vente

Facebook et Tik Tok Ads et Vidéo Pub Ads

J’ai développé ces compétences en travaillant dans une agence web depuis 3 ans se trouvant en France et aussi grâce à mon sens d’apprentissage continu, passionné par mon métier, je me met en freelance pour vous aider dans vos différents projets.

Je maîtrise parfaitement les outils de travail au quotidien comme le fond de ma poche à savoirs : Wordpress , Shopify , Système.io , Botpress , Figma , Webflow , et Canva.

Je reste convaincu que le marketing digital reste un levier pour la croissance de votre business et je vous aiderai à l'implémenter dans votre processus afin que vous vous positionniez sur votre marché et faire plus de ventes.

J’ai acquis 3 ans d’expériences de travail et d’apprentissage en marketing digital dans une agence Web puis en parallèle, je me mets en freelance à présent pour vous accompagner dans vos projets.

Passionné de mon métier qui est spécialiste en marketing, j’ai appris sur le terrain et aussi grâce à mon autodidacte, je suis fière de moi par le fait que je fais ce que j’aime.

Ce qui me permet d'ailleurs d’offrir des prestations de qualité et supérieures à vos attentes.

Durant mon parcours en agence Web , mes travaux ont été appréciés par des clients et me sollicitaient toujours pour des travaux en rapport au développement Web.

Je ne possède pas seulement des compétence mais je partage aussi des valeurs à savoirs :

ma réactivité

mon sens de professionnalisme

ma disponibilité

je suis reprochable

En plus travailler avec moi, c’est bénéficier de :

une expertise d’un professionnel qui maîtrise son domaine

une garantie satisfait ou remboursée

je suis toujours en quête de connaissances et d’innovation

confidentialité de vos projets

Toujours disposé à l’écoute de vos besoins comme votre docteur, j’échange avec vous durant le temps de réalisation de votre projet. Vous apprenez toujours avec moi sur mon expertise et expérience.

Je serai vraiment content de vous compter parmi mes clients !

Contactez-moi maintenant sans hésitation pour discuter plus et sur votre projet”

  • Temps de réponse moy. 2 h
  • Commande en cours 0
  • Ventes au total 20
  • Vendeur depuis Nov. 2023