I will create a complete sales tunnel on systeme.io

5,0 (1)

1 vente

Proposé par Casimir__Digi 20 ventes au total Disponible sur ComeUp Direct

Promo Q4: 20% off additional options already applied in the prices!

# Get your online business off the ground with a powerful sales funnel on systeme.io.

**Creating a sales funnel** consists of designing **sales tunnels** with **system.io**!. It is an all-in-one **marketing platform** that simplifies the management of your **online business**.

With features such as **sales funnels**, **email marketing** and **training hosting**, you can increase your sales, automate your processes and grow your audience.

You are probably in the ideal place!

So are you one of the following cases, you want:

Sell **Training**, **coaching** or **support**?

**Sell ebooks** or physical books?

**Generate more sales**, **leads**, **qualified appointments**?

Automate your entire **sales process** in order to **save a lot of time**?

Have a **pro rendering that converts**?

You probably answered “YES” to one of these questions, you need to keep reading

## Why did you ask me and not other freelance Funnel Builders?

**Specialized expertise:** Since I am a web developer, I first have skills in **sales funnel creation**, design, then in copywriting.

In addition, during my career in an agency, I created **sales tunnels** requiring these three essential skills, my work was appreciated by clients and they always asked me for work related to the **creation of sales tunnels* *.

**My responsiveness:** I always respond reactively to my customers and I completely understand that not everyone has this capacity for patience.

**My sense of professionalism:** Each project that is presented to me, I take it seriously, paying attention to detail, I work on it as if it were mine then, I am like your doctor who listens to you, able to relieve you of your sorrows.

**My availability:** I am always available during the implementation of your **sales funnel creation** project until the end, open-minded.

**I am willing to learn:** Like any living being, it can happen that I make mistakes and for that, I am open to criticism plus it will help me improve more in my career** Funnel Builder** and **simply create** more attractive **high-end tunnels**.

## Why do many entrepreneurs fail in generating sales and growing their business?

Statistics reveal a common problem: the ineffectiveness of **traditional sales funnels**.

According to a recent study, nearly 80% of **sales funnels** fail to **convert visitors into customers**.

Additionally, more than 60% of **online entrepreneurs** abandon their **sales funnels** due to their complexity and lack of tangible results.

However, there is a solution: **System.io's optimized sales funnels**.

With an innovative approach and powerful **features**, Système.io has transformed the **online marketing** landscape.

The numbers speak for themselves: more than 300,000 users have chosen Système.io and have seen a spectacular **increase** in their **conversion rates**.

On average, **Système.io** users experienced a 150% increase in sales after migrating to this all-in-one platform.

## But thanks to this service, you will benefit from:

A **High-end Tunnel that converts**: Which completely differs from other providers, I do not design **ordinary tunnels** but rather **tunnels** that set you apart from the competition through * *stylish branding**.

A **Sales tunnel** with Copywriting that brings out emotions: I have copywriting skills then I master **the system editor. io** correctly like the back of my hand without forgetting my **programming knowledge** **CSS** and **HTML**, the tools of artificial intelligence.

I listen to your needs, an open mind to criticism for a collaboration that goes beyond your expectations to deliver renderings to you
relevant and suitable to your expectations.

*Qualified lead generation:** I implement **targeted lead generation** strategies to attract **qualified prospects** to your **Sales Funnel**.

## Now you have 2 choices:

Choice 1: Choose for yourself to do the **creation of the sales funnel** then you will make mistakes and then correct yourself or either convey an **unprofessional image** of yourself, lose money on **Facebook Ads** and email marketing.

Choice 2: You opt for a professional and thus give your business a **brand image**, the chance to attract more **prospects**, **customers** then **retain their loyalty** through your **marketing offers**. Results: an increase in **visit rate** and **clicks**, **conversion rate**, an increase in your sales.

If you prefer choice 2, here is what I offer you

## Pricing

For €5: I will create **sales tunnel creation** on systeme.io complete

You will have:
I will create a system.io account with your **email address** then configure the basic functions.
You will have some tips on how **system.io** works.

## But it’s not over ! I offer you additional options tailored to your needs.

**STARTER sales tunnel**
1 **Capture page**
1 **Thank you page**
1 **Sales page** of 300 word maximum
1 **Purchase Order Pages**
1 **Thank you page after purchase**
1 **Order bump**
1 **Upsell/Downsell**
**Responsive mobile sales funnel**
**Professional and attractive design**
Facebook pixel integration on demand
On-demand social proof tool setup
Respect of your graphic charter
Image research and visual design
Limited touch-ups: 3 times
**BONUS 1**: 7-day technical follow-up after delivery of your order worth **250€**
** Price:** **110€**

**Premium sales funnel**
This premium sales funnel package is specially designed to boost your online business and drive exceptional conversions.
Leveraging my writing and design expertise, I will create an incredibly persuasive and captivating **Sales Funnel** that will engage your audience and drive sales.
Here’s what you’ll get with the “Premium Sales Funnel” package:
Implementation of all elements of the **“STARTER sales tunnel”** worth **110€**
** Limited revisions up to 5 times and technical support included:**
I am committed to providing superior service. You will have the opportunity to request revisions up to 5 times to ensure that the final result fully meets your expectations.
**BONUS 1**: 7-day technical follow-up after delivery of your order worth **200€**
**Bonus 2**: Writing and setting up 3 follow-up emails (200-400 words/email)
Three impactful and convincing follow-up emails worth **€300** will be written by a professional writer to encourage your **prospects to come back** and **finalize their purchase**.
These emails will be carefully crafted to capture your prospects' attention, address objections, and inspire them to take action.
** Price:** **200€**

**SUCCESS Sales Funnel**
This complete package for creating **sales funnels** is specially designed to maximize your conversions and take your online business to new heights.
Thanks to my expertise in marketing and design, I offer you a **turnkey solution** to **develop your business**, business and achieve your goals.
**Here’s what you’ll get with the “Sales Funnel” package:**
Implementation of all elements included in our **Premium sales funnel** worth **€110**
Implementation of all elements included in the **Premium sales funnel** offer worth **€200**
**Design of a Sales Page** with writing between 500 and 1000 words
Limited revisions up to 10 times:
I am committed to providing an end result that exceeds your expectations. That's why I offer revisions to ensure your sales funnel meets your satisfaction.
**BONUS 1**: 14-day technical follow-up after delivery of your order worth **200€**
**Bonus 2**: Writing and setting up 3 follow-up emails (200-400 words/email)
Three impactful and convincing follow-up emails worth **€300** will be written by a professional writer to encourage your prospects to come back and complete their purchase.
These emails will be carefully crafted to capture your prospects' attention, address objections, and inspire them to take action.
** Price:** **€350**

## My guarantee

I am committed to providing you with **sales funnel creation** of higher quality than your expectations, while respecting everything listed in the pack.

If after receiving delivery, you notice any imperfections I will make adjustments at no additional cost.

## It's up to you to decide now!

Ready to take action and benefit from the **creation of a sales funnel**?

Place your order now in 3 simple steps!

1. Select the options that suit you

2. Click on the ''order'' button at the bottom of this description

3. Send me your instructions in the chat integrated into your order.

4. Then I finish the **creation of the sales tunnel** and I give you access.

And it’s just like child’s play!

## Do you have any questions?

Do not hesitate to let me know of your concerns regarding the **creation of sales funnel** by clicking on the white "Contact the seller" button. I respond as soon as possible.

As for me, I will be very happy to work with you!

## FAQ

## Q1: How can I place an order?

A1: : To place an order, simply follow these steps:

1. Choose the option that suits your needs, for example:**Premium sales funnel**

2. Select the “Order” option

3. Proceed to pay using your credit card or PayPal.

4. I will receive notification of your order.

## Q2: What is a sales funnel and how can it benefit my business?

A2: A **Sales Funnel** is a **sequence of web pages** designed to strategically guide your visitors toward purchasing a specific product or service. It offers an optimized **user experience** and helps maximize **conversions**.

## Q3: What is the difference between the different options offered in your **Sales Funnel Creation** service?

A3: I offer different options to meet the specific needs of my clients. Each option varies in terms of features, number of pages included, specific integrations, and other elements.

I will be happy to discuss your needs during our free 30-minute direct call on ComUp based on your availability, to determine the best option for your company or business.

I will create a complete sales tunnel on systeme.io

  • 5,00 €

Options supplémentaires

Tous les prix sont H.T et hors frais bancaires. Le prix définitif est calculé sur la page de paiement.

  1. Commandez le
    service de votre choix
    à l’un de nos vendeurs
  2. Échangez par chat sur le
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  3. Le vendeur n’est payé que\ lorsque vous validez la livraison

Avis des clients


5,0 (1)

Commande personnalisée

Casimir helped us to create a sales tunnel in express and was very helping. We thanked him !



À propos du vendeur

Casimir__Digi Il y a 34 minutes

“+ 4 ans d’expérience en marketing digital.

Disponible en appel direct sur ComUp

Certifié par les ateliers de Google numérique (certifié par Google).

Contactez-moi maintenant !

Hello , je suis Casimir et je suis Spécialiste en marketing digital depuis 4 ans d’expérience.

Je possède d'excellent compétences en :

Création de site web/Ecom avec Wordpress et Webflow

Création de site web/E-Com avec Shopify

Conception de Chat Bot intelligent

Création de Tunnel de vente

Facebook et Tik Tok Ads et Vidéo Pub Ads

J’ai développé ces compétences en travaillant dans une agence web depuis 3 ans se trouvant en France et aussi grâce à mon sens d’apprentissage continu, passionné par mon métier, je me met en freelance pour vous aider dans vos différents projets.

Je maîtrise parfaitement les outils de travail au quotidien comme le fond de ma poche à savoirs : Wordpress , Shopify , Système.io , Botpress , Figma , Webflow , et Canva.

Je reste convaincu que le marketing digital reste un levier pour la croissance de votre business et je vous aiderai à l'implémenter dans votre processus afin que vous vous positionniez sur votre marché et faire plus de ventes.

J’ai acquis 3 ans d’expériences de travail et d’apprentissage en marketing digital dans une agence Web puis en parallèle, je me mets en freelance à présent pour vous accompagner dans vos projets.

Passionné de mon métier qui est spécialiste en marketing, j’ai appris sur le terrain et aussi grâce à mon autodidacte, je suis fière de moi par le fait que je fais ce que j’aime.

Ce qui me permet d'ailleurs d’offrir des prestations de qualité et supérieures à vos attentes.

Durant mon parcours en agence Web , mes travaux ont été appréciés par des clients et me sollicitaient toujours pour des travaux en rapport au développement Web.

Je ne possède pas seulement des compétence mais je partage aussi des valeurs à savoirs :

ma réactivité

mon sens de professionnalisme

ma disponibilité

je suis reprochable

En plus travailler avec moi, c’est bénéficier de :

une expertise d’un professionnel qui maîtrise son domaine

une garantie satisfait ou remboursée

je suis toujours en quête de connaissances et d’innovation

confidentialité de vos projets

Toujours disposé à l’écoute de vos besoins comme votre docteur, j’échange avec vous durant le temps de réalisation de votre projet. Vous apprenez toujours avec moi sur mon expertise et expérience.

Je serai vraiment content de vous compter parmi mes clients !

Contactez-moi maintenant sans hésitation pour discuter plus et sur votre projet”

  • Temps de réponse moy. 2 h
  • Commande en cours 0
  • Ventes au total 20
  • Vendeur depuis Nov. 2023