I will perform a pentest on your website, server or mobile apps

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Proposé par G_Cyber_Expert 125 ventes au total Disponible sur ComeUp Direct

Do you think your company is protected against cyber attacks? Think again. Cybercriminals are becoming increasingly sophisticated and without a thorough check of your security, you're vulnerable.

🚀If you're looking for quality and increased expertise in both testing and deliverables, you can be proud to have found the right service!
To start with, let me tell you a bit about who I am, really: I started with IT about 10 years ago, I'm a self-taught enthusiast, and you should know that self-taught people are much better than people who have followed a classical course. In just over 10 years of experience my method, expertise and sense of reflection have evolved a great deal and I'm constantly striving to secure the highest level of security. Now it's become something natural and innate for me. Every morning when I get up, I drink a big bowl of coffee in front of my cyber and new technology newsfeed. I need it to get into shape, some people do sports in the morning, I do that.

💪 That's where all my abilities today come from! I'm constantly evolving and I love discovering new technologies. I have passed the Voltaire Project certification, which is highly recognised in France with a score of +500 points, which allows me to write reports of deliverables of very high quality! It is with all this technical baggage, that I can offer you this good value for money service and make the difference on ComeUp to offer you the best possible protection.

😧 I know that the security of your business is a source of anxiety, which is why I'm here to help you. I'm committed to providing you with an in-depth security analysis of your infrastructure, web applications and systems.

🤜 You do NOT have to worry about my expert skills, as I told you, I train self-taught and daily, and completely step out of the academic route (which itself is a bit of a drag). You can be sure that I will be able to support you and offer you a reliable and quality service. I am committed to complying with the strictest security standards to protect your data.

🤯 Imagine the panic you would feel if your website was the target of a computer attack. It could cost you not only financially, but also in terms of reputation and trust with your customers and in the worst of cases put the key under the door.

😨 Don't let your emotions get the better of you, contact me now to help you protect your business and prevent cyber attacks. I'll provide you with a detailed report with the results of the pentest, as well as recommendations for improving the security of your website, server or mobile app.

🔥 Don't wait until it's too late, call on my expertise to protect your business now!

🟢 When you place your order, in the instructions, I'll ask you what your business is, so that I can properly identify the activities of your website and have a more global view.

Don't hesitate to contact me for more information. I'd be delighted to discuss your project with you 🙂

👉 Security check (basic offer)

In this option, you'll find 2 independent things:

  • In the 1st step, if this is the 1st time you order as a basic offer, I will test the security of your website with the most known vulnerabilities, such as XSS injection, SQLi, etc and the OWASP Top 10, with a mini report.

  • In the 2nd stage, if you have already placed an order with an option, I will replay the attacks that I have previously identified in the report, I will repeat exactly the same attacks, in order to demonstrate that the patches that you have implemented as specified in the appropriate section of the pentest report, work and block the attacks and that the vulnerabilities are no longer exploitable.

👉 Below are the options I have to offer you

⛵ The table below allows you to see the tests I carry out on your website in comparison with a real cyberattack carried out by real hackers and a successful hack. The only exception is that I don't use destructive testing tools.

🚨 Testing on a pre-production environment (cloned from production) would be more suitable, that said, I know this isn't always possible, so I can carry out the tests on a production environment.

Pentest Real cyber attack (which I don't do)
Real attack simulation
Simulation of bot attack
In-depth testing
Research Very advanced Not advanced to Very advanced
Exploitation of vulnerabilities
Attempting to access data
Destructive testing ✅✅
Environment More suited to preprod, but possible on prod Prod + preprod + dev
Objectives Test the resistance of a system Steal data + Ransomware + Unavailability
Duration of tests +30 days -2h to several days/months

👉 The options

You can choose 3 options for penetration testing, for WordPress (recommended), hand-made option in grey or black box, and finally a security verification option (basic offer) which allows you to demonstrate that the patches you have implemented on the site are viable.

👉 My site is Wordpress

If your site wasn't developed by hand by developers, in this case it's a rapid website creation solution, i.e. a CMS such as Wordpress. I suggest the black box approach, which is the most effective against hackers.

Pentest Wordpress in black box
Admin access required
User access required
Plugin access
Knowledge of application/infra
Schema/structure of the application None
Type of attack External (hacker)
Objectives Attempt to access data like a hacker.
Port Scanning
Environment Preprod or Prod
Destructive testing
Detailed report
Duration +15 days
Price 370 €

For each type of test called pentest, there are 3 approaches (white, grey or black box), I wanted to offer you only 2 (grey and black), the most important (see table below):

"Developed by hand" option: ⚓ I have a hand-developed site

In this option package, I'm going to put myself in the place of a hacker to attempt to recover the data from your website. You will then have access to a detailed report with screenshots and the tools used, and you will have access to a section of the report that will allow you to know how to patch all the vulnerabilities.

Pentest in grey box Pentest in black box
Free access to source code
Code exploitation
Code testing
Tests on the site
User account creation
User access required
Admin access required
Schema/structure of the application Partial None
Type of attack Internal & External External (hacker)
Port Scanning
Destructive testing
Objectives Try a restricted user attack Try full system access
Duration +30 days +20 days
Price 1000€ 500€

📒A detailed deliverable report (definition 👇)

The detailed report allows you to take knowledge of all the vulnerabilities identified during the test phases.

Notes are taken throughout the intrusion test, and then I have to format and clean up everything to write the report. You'll find the managerial summary which is a summary of the results obtained and understandable for a non-technical person, in particular using layman's terms. You will also find the list of vulnerabilities identified and classified by criticality level with a list of recommendations for each vulnerability discovered. When I find bad practices in development, I also give advice for improvement, since they can lead to vulnerabilities.

Finally, you'll find the different manipulations that I made during the tests, so you can see everything that was done, what worked and what didn't work. This has several advantages, the 1st being that it shows you that I've done a good job even if I didn't find anything and the 2nd is to show you that when you did things right and I tested attacks, it held and that you shouldn't change it. It helps to emphasise what's going well.
The other advantage is that it also allows you to learn and understand the manipulations I'm going to do and how a hacker might go about bypassing your security and gaining access to your data. And possibly to replay the attacks once the corrections are in place to see if you get the same results. Personally, I'm in the spirit of sharing, so this will also allow you to improve your skills.

A few clarifications during the tests: there is no sending of forged emails, such as phishing or social engineering, I only concentrate on technical tests. The aim being to technically test your architecture, web application, server, mobile application or even your website. I do NOT do destructive testing (DDOS/DOS), it seems obvious but I prefer to say so, so no denial of service attacks, so if I find that systems or features have vulnerabilities to this type of attack I won't test them, so as not to harm the system, and I'll tell you the CVEs I've found. A CVE is a unique number given to a vulnerability allowing it to be identified.

Ideally, as I said, I'd prefer a pre-production environment, and very importantly, that it be a clone of production, but I'm aware that this isn't always possible. So I can also work in the production environment while being careful and avoiding a few tests.

I will perform a pentest on your website, server or mobile apps

  • 250,00 €

Options supplémentaires

Tous les prix sont H.T et hors frais bancaires. Le prix définitif est calculé sur la page de paiement.

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À propos du vendeur

G_Cyber_Expert 25 juin 2024

“Bonjour, je m'appelle Guillaume, je suis un autodidacte et passionné de la cybersécurité et du développement web et logiciel, depuis une 10aine d'année. J'ai créé de multiples services qui m'ont été très demandés et répondent à de forts besoins technologiques et de sécurités.

Je vais être ton consultant cybersécurité tout au long de mes services et de mon accompagnement avec des bagages techniques sur lesquels, je compte bien me démarquer sur ComeUp. Etant un développeur logiciel et web fullstack, bien qu'une passion de second niveau, je suis polyvalent, cela m'a permis de comprendre les enjeux de sécurité des technologies qui évoluent très vite et de m'adapter à tes besoins et d'être à ton écoute à 100%.

Je vais pouvoir te conseiller sur les technologies que tu devrais utiliser pour ton projet. Je peux aussi aller plus loin en te faisant des maquettes sur Figma et en rédigeant un cahier des charges professionels que j'ai appris à mettre en place au fil des ans.

Ah oui, au fait ! Si tu cherches des données sur une entreprise, je peux t'aider à récupérer tout ce qui est possible de trouver sur internet et de corréler mes recherches, la méthode que j'utilise est l'OSINT (de la recherche en source ouverte), c'est une méthode diablement efficace et puissante ! Par exemple, c'est beaucoup utilisé dans la géopolitique et en ce moment beaucoup utilisé pour remonter aux crimes de guerre des russes contre la population civile ukrainienne. Afin de savoir quels sont les régiments qui ont tués ou torturés sans foi ni loi. Ce sont des recherches corrélés avec des caméras des magasins, des images satellites, internet, etc.

Dans mon cas, je n'utiliserais que internet mais c'est largement suffisant pour découvir le fonctionnement d'une entreprise, les employés qui travaillent actuellement ou les anciens, découvrir leurs technologies web, leurs adresses IP, leurs types de serveurs, etc.

Je te laisse découvrir mes services et te dis à de suite.”

  • Temps de réponse moy.
  • Commande en cours 0
  • Ventes au total 125
  • Vendeur depuis Mars 2016