I will fix a bug on your website

5.0 (1)

1 sale

Sold by Bertrand_Domat Professional 1,815 total sales Available on ComeUp Direct


Display problem, URL, blank page, infected site,... Your website reflects your professionalism and must work perfectly not to penalize your SEO, trust or visitors' experience as they browse your website.

Don't lose any customer, a quick intervention carried out by a serious service provider will allow you to find a healthy and efficient site.

I am a certified Wordpress and Prestashop expert: These Open Source CMSs have (almost 😉) no secret for me. I will explore the code and fix the bugs on your Wordpress site or your Prestashop shop without you having to intervene.


For 40€, I will correct a bug with the PHP, HTML, CSS, JS code of your site.
Consult the list of examples below to know what type of bugs can be solved. Contact me by message if you have any doubts.

✅ Display bug
✅ Responsive issue
✅ Navigation bug
✅ Missing translation
✅ Theme issue
✅ Currency issue
✅ Display problem
✅ Problem with a module or an extension

For example:

  • Your icons do not appear as they should, they look like "Chinese symbols".
  • Your photos are cropped, they have undergone a rotation or are slow to load.
  • The main menu of your site or even your entire site is not "responsive", some elements flip, the font is too imposing on tablets or mobiles.
  • You receive no notification when a comment is posted.
  • You can no longer update a page or an article.
  • You receive numerous spams
  • Your site is very slow to load
  • You just changed your WordPress theme and your site no longer resembles anything.
  • Your child theme does not work
  • Your site is not indexed by Google
  • Your site remains blocked in maintenance mode.
  • ERROR 404
  • ERROR 500: your site displays the message "500 Internal Server Error" and is no longer accessible.
  • ERROR 502: the "HTTP 502 Bad Gateway" error is reported in your browser, your site is unusable.
  • ADDRESS NOT FOUND: your site is no longer known to browsers.
⏱ Quick Delivery

➡️ Contact me, quick response guaranteed!

By using my services, you ensure that you are calling on a certified expert who will provide you with a quality service.


1 bug 40€ 48H
2 bugs 60€ 72H
3 bugs 80€ 3 DAYS
4 bugs 100€ 4 DAYS
5 bugs 120€ 5 DAYS
6 bugs 140€ 6 DAYS
7 bugs 160€ 7 DAYS
8 bugs 180€ 8 DAYS
9 bugs 200€ 9 DAYS
10 bugs 220€ 10 DAYS

➡️ Contact me and explain your problem to me to know which package to order


❓ For any questions, simply click on the "Ask a question" button (in the black profile frame, on the right) and I will gladly answer you as quickly as possible!


Confidentiality: The login details you send me, necessary to solve the problem, are not passed on to any third party and are only used in the context of the intervention.
Risk-free: Your files are backed up before any modification. In case of a problem, you are fully refunded and your files are restored.
Problem solved or 100% refunded: If for any reason X or Y your problem cannot be solved, your order will be refunded as quickly as possible.

🌍Let's preserve the Planet! Aware of the challenges related to global warming, I strive to give an ♻ eco-responsible dimension to all the projects I participate in on a daily basis. 😉
Thus, 2% of the Revenue generated by this service is donated each year to a fight against global warming association.

Check out my profile for more info: https://comeup.com/profile/bertrand-domat


|| 💎 Premium Service
|| 🤓 Certified professional based in France (Bourg-en-Bresse)
|| 🧠 State-recognized degrees
|| 💼 Professional seller
|| ♻️ Eco-Responsible
|| ⏱ Quick response guaranteed [MO-FR | 9h-17h30]
|| 📞 Available on video call (via ComeUp Direct)
|| 💥 Service provider since 2018 on ComeUp
|| 🕐 Deadlines respected
|| 🔒 Security and Confidentiality (GDPR Compliant)

Contact me and let's work together!

I will fix a bug on your website

  • €40.00

Extra options

All prices are excluding tax and bank fees. The total amount will be calculated during payment.

  1. Order
    your preferred service
    from one of our sellers
  2. Communicate securely via the website’s chat box
    from start to finish
  3. Sellers only get paid
    once you have validated the delivery

Buyer reviews


5.0 (1)

Basic order

Une réactivité express! merci beaucoup


Merci pour votre commande et votre avis très positif avranville ! Au plaisir de travailler à nouveau avec vous ! ;) Bertrand

About the seller

Bertrand_Domat 5 hours ago

“Bienvenue sur mon profil Comeup ! Je suis Bertrand Domat, expert en développement web spécialisé sur les CMS Prestashop et WordPress, basé à Bourg-en-Bresse.

Formation et Expérience :
- Titre professionnel de Développeur Web et Web Mobile.
- Diplôme Studi x Digital Campus Développeur Angular.
- Licence Pro E-commerce et Marketing Numérique de l’IUT de Lyon 1.
- Développeur freelance depuis 2018.
- En 2023, j'ai lancé BeDOM, structure dédiée à la création d'applications web performantes, haut de gamme et sur-mesure, ciblant exclusivement WordPress et Prestashop.

Mes services Prestashop & WordPress :
✔ Création et Personnalisation de Site Web :
- Sites vitrine et E-commerce (WordPress + Elementor/Woocommerce, Prestashop)
- Conception de thèmes sur mesure et responsive design

✔ Développement et Intégration Fonctionnelle :
- Plugins et modules personnalisés
- Intégration de systèmes de paiement et API tierces

✔ Optimisation Technique et SEO :
- Amélioration de la vitesse de chargement et de l’expérience utilisateur
- Stratégies SEO avancées, audit et optimisation de contenu

✔ Maintenance et Assistance Technique :
- Support technique continu et dépannage
- Mises à jour régulières (CMS, thèmes, plugins)

✔ Sécurité et Sauvegarde :
- Renforcement de la sécurité et installation de systèmes de sauvegarde
- Nettoyage et récupération de sites piratés

✔ Stratégie Digitale et Conseil :
- Conseils en stratégie digitale et marketing en ligne
- Analyse de performance et reporting

✔ Migration, Clonage, et Changement de Serveur :
- Transfert de site et changement de serveur (WordPress, Prestashop)
- Duplication et clonage de sites pour tests et développement

✔ Formation et Support Client :
- Formation personnalisée à l’utilisation de WordPress et Prestashop
- Assistance à long terme et conseils pour la gestion de site

✔ Intégration Multimédia et Contenu Visuel :
- Création et intégration de contenu visuel (images, vidéos)
- Optimisation pour la vitesse et le référencement

✔ E-commerce et Solutions de Paiement :
- Configuration de boutiques en ligne et systèmes de paiement
- Optimisation de l’expérience d'achat et conversion

✔ Analytique Web et Optimisation des Conversions :
- Installation et configuration d'outils analytiques
- Conseils pour améliorer les taux de conversion

Pourquoi me choisir ?

✔ Réactivité et écoute active pour comprendre et répondre efficacement à vos besoins.
✔ Souci du détail et qualité de travail pour des projets réussis.
✔ Tarifs compétitifs et solutions sur mesure.

Contactez-moi pour discuter de votre projet Prestashop ou WordPress !

➡ Pour toute question, je suis à votre disposition ! 😉”

  • Professional seller
  • Average response time 2 h
  • Orders in progress 3
  • Sales in total 1,815
  • Seller since Apr 2018