I will vectorize your logo or image

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1 sale

Sold by Paul_touch 69 total sales Available on ComeUp Direct

**Would you like to vectorize your logo or image and you don't know how to do it?**

You probably know the importance of using vector file formats in your work. Vector images are created from mathematical formulas rather than pixels, which allows them to be resized to infinity without losing their resolution or image quality.

If you need help vectorizing your logo or creating illustrations from raster images, do not hesitate to contact me for vectorization.


The vectorization of your logo is an easy task to perform with quality software.

A vectorized logo is a version of a logo that is created using vector drawing software, which uses geometric shapes such as lines, curves and dots to create the image rather than pixels. This technique makes it possible to create an image that can be resized without losing quality, unlike logos created using bitmap images. Vectorized logos are often used on printed media such as brochures, business cards and posters, because they can be enlarged or reduced without loss of quality. They are also easy to edit and customize, which allows them to be modified according to the needs of the brand or company.

The vectorization of your image is essential if you want a high-definition image or the digital cutout of your logo.

However, it is important to note that a vector image cannot reproduce all the attributes of a raster image, such as complex gradients or the number of colors. On the other hand, a vector image is an ideal solution for many graphic projects.

In addition, a vector image is ideal for layout and editing because it can be easily resized without loss of quality, unlike a rasper image. By working with vector graphics, you will save yourself the confusion caused by the pixelation of your image


The vectorization of a logo has many advantages, including:

*Ease of resizing*: vectorized logos can be enlarged or reduced without losing their quality, unlike bitmap images.

*Adaptability to different formats*: vectorized logos can be easily adapted to different formats such as advertising banners, business cards or websites without losing their quality.

*High quality printing*: vectorized logos can be printed at a high resolution, making them ideal for printed media such as brochures, flyers and posters.

*Easy editing*: vectorized logos can be easily edited and modified, which allows companies to make changes according to their branding.

In short, the vectorization of a logo is important to guarantee constant image quality and ease of adaptation to different formats, as well as to facilitate editing and customization according to the needs of the brand or company.


Redraw the contours
Review the colors and color
Vectorize with the effects
Vectorize typography


_For only 5 euros, you will receive:_

- Vectorization of the logo or image
- PNG/JPEG format and transparent background
- 5 possible touch-ups
- Retouching of imperfections
- Ps source file

--- ---

Vectorization of 3 logos 10€
Unlimited modification 10€


**How to place the order?**

_For this service, simply choose the option you want according to your budget and then click on the "order" button._

**How to be sure of the quality of your work?**

_In the execution of your order, I will inform you of each step. The interactivity with me does not bother. I am also available to follow you to the letter. You have the opportunity to follow closely with me when editing your images. I will indeed be reactive to your contributions._

**Why do you have to trust me?**

_Professional freelance designer with almost 5 years of experience, I have already had to collaborate with some communication agencies and other project managers._

_I will vectorize your images and you will receive an impeccable clean feedback that stands out._

_° I have a great balance in color production_

_° I have already consumed enough which allows me to be more efficient and deliver the service within its defined time_

I will vectorize your logo or image

  • €5.00

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Buyer reviews


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Accepter une demande claire et précise, livrer une version baclée, pour proposer un service à 50EUR...


C’est très pas honnête de votre part. J’ai fait le travail pour vous et si vous le vouliez pas j’allais vous dire d’annuler votre commande. Vous accepter de prendre le rendu et vous me mettez un avis négatif pour ma première vente sur ce service…. Je vous ai dit qu’il faut redessiner le logo et cela ne valait quand même pas 5€ et vous n’êtes pas obligé d’accepter que je prenne votre argent…. C’est très irresponsable de votre part….

About the seller

Paul_touch 1 hour ago

Je m’appelle Paul. Je suis graphiste depuis 2018 et j'ai su perfectionner mon savoir-faire dans le domaine du design digital, mettant ainsi à profit mes compétences en designer, montage vidéo.

J’ai la maîtrise des logiciels tels qu'Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Première pro et je suis fermement convaincu que le design constitue un levier de croissance essentiel pour toute entreprise. Ainsi, je m'engage à vous accompagner dans l'intégration stratégique du design dans vos processus, vous permettant ainsi de vous démarquer sur votre marché et d'optimiser vos ventes.

Fort d'une expérience, je travaille au sein d’une communauté de jeunes épanouis en tant que graphiste et community manager. J’ai choisi de poursuivre mon parcours en tant qu'entrepreneur indépendant. Ainsi j'ai trouvé ma voie à la confluence de l'univers du design et de la technologie. Cela me permet de vous proposer une gamme de services complète et adaptée à vos besoins spécifiques.

J'ai eu le privilège de collaborer avec une des entrepreneurs tels que vous, qui ont sollicité mon expertise pour sublimer l'image de leur marque, que ce soit pour des produits ou des services.

Mon succès ne repose pas uniquement sur mes compétences techniques, mais également sur ma réactivité, mon engagement à respecter les délais et ma disponibilité constante, valeurs qui ont su fidéliser ma clientèle.

Je vous invite à consulter mes statistiques, qui attestent de la satisfaction de mes précédents collaborateurs sur la plateforme.

Soucieux de répondre au mieux à vos attentes, je vous assure un échange constant tout au long du processus de création, agrémenté de conseils basés sur ma riche expérience et la diversité de mes réalisations.

Ce serait un véritable honneur que vous puissiez rejoindre le cercle de mes succès à venir !

N'hésitez pas à me contacter afin que nous puissions échanger sur votre projet.”

  • Average response time 1 h
  • Orders in progress 2
  • Sales in total 69
  • Seller since Mar 2023