Muhammad Talha Arshad

Last login: 7 juin 2024

"Your ideas, my expertise, endless possibilities!"

I'm really enjoying creating beautiful websites and designs ...
Motivation is my driving force to do such amazing stuff. I love my job and i am not afraid of hard work. So, keep motivating me.

With me you dont need plan B!!
If you need to convert PSD/XD/Figma to React or NextJS responsive, professional, pixel-perfect app so you are in the right place.

Why you should hire me?
Almost all react developers focused on javascript and dont focus on the UI/UX of the website structure of the components.
So i provide well structured, cross-browser, valid, adaptive and featured, only clean , readable and maintainable code.

Technologies that i will use in work flow?
React JS,
Next JS,
HTML (html5),
CSS (css3),
preprocessor SCSS,
Tailwind CSS
Material UI
Cross-Browser support.
All code should be hand-coded.
Javascript (pure javascript),

How I work?
I am constantly online trying to be 24/7 to answer all your questions with fast feedback. Working efficiently, attentive to details. I always adequately treat edits and improvements. Sociable and open person. For me, layout is a stage in the development of your project. And I am glad to take part in it.

Thanks a lot :)

Seller statistics

    • Positive review 1
    • Negative reviews 0
    • Average response time
    • Order acceptance rate
    • Completion rate
    • On-time deliveries
    • Orders in progress 0
    • Sale in total 1
    • Seller since Dec 2023